So what were the kids wearing?
According the The Associated Press the offending attire included:
. . . baggy pants, low-cut shirts, tank tops and graphic T-shirts -- are banned from classrooms. Students were also cited for cell phone use.
"This was the worst year I've seen in a long time," said Principal Theresa Mayerik. "It's gotten out of control, and we needed to send a message that we're not messing around."
The school typically has 20 or so dress code violations per day.
School board members said they supported Mayerik's decision.
"I'd be supportive if half the school was sent home, because 99 percent will get the message our schools are for education," board president Rebecca Ward said.Having attended public school in Indiana I see nothing wrong with setting dress code standards. I am over 30, so I guess I have officially entered the generation that younger people can no longer trust. Have a good school year Principal Mayerik.
Hey i graduated from this school two years ago, and the school was a little differnt but not much. Back then Mayerik was a little bit of a push over. I mean this in the nicest way, it is just her nature. I think they need to crack down, but I think she is just trying to prove she isn't a push over any more.
Could be. I went to school in Indiana, and my principal wasn't a push over. I think it's one of the reasons the school was overall pretty safe.
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