Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Bush scrambling

President I-never-met-a-spending-bill-or-tax-cut-I-didn't-like Bush is now scrambling to get into the game on plans to balance the federal budget. In what Democrats are describing as "me-tooism," Bush promised he will present a plan to balance the federal budget in five years. Amazing timing -- since it follows closely on the heels of the announcement of the new Congressional majority plan to balance the budget by 2012.

The Washington Post reports:
In trying to adopt such ambitions as his own, Bush hopes to regain the initiative after his party lost Congress in November and to counter his reputation as a president who took a budget surplus and turned it into record deficits, analysts said. Bush has never proposed a balanced budget since it went into deficit, never vetoed a spending bill when Republicans controlled Congress and offered little objection to earmarks until the issue gained political traction last year.
If only he would take the lead in getting our troops out of Iraq, since it was the main reason his party lost control of Congress.

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