Friday, May 25, 2007

Dems cave on Iraq funding

On Tuesday I received an email from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee asking me to make a contribution. The message began:
“The Republicans suffered one unpleasant event in November 2006, and they are headed toward an even nastier one in 2008. They are like people quietly marching to their doom.”
- David Brooks, The New York Times

I couldn't have said it better myself.

The GOP has shown no signs that they've gotten the message of change and progress that voters sent in 2006.
Psst ... I hate to break it to you, but NEITHER HAVE THE DEMOCRATS!

Why should ANYONE support a party that voted to fund the Iraq war, with no timetable for withdrawal? Were the Senators who supported this bill listening at all last November? The messages was sent loud and clear -- get us out of Iraq!

The DSCC closed their fundraising message by saying:
As good as the news looks for Democrats around the country, I want you to know that everyone here at the DSCC has the same hunger and determination that we had in the 2006 cycle.

Then, we were fighting to end years of Republican governance that was slowly running American into the ground. Now, our task is equally important. It is time to build on the success of 2006 and get America back on the right track.
They must think we are all stupid. If the Dems don't clean up their act they will get a taste of what happened to the Republicans -- their "base" will simply stay home on election day.

AP quotes Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid saying:
"Senate Democrats will not stop our efforts to change the course of this war until either enough Republicans join with us to reject President Bush's failed policy or we get a new president."
How about just voting against it because you control a majority of the votes? The US Senate web site says: Required For Majority: 1/2 ... Don't you have that Mr. Reid?

Vote for the timetables and make the President and the Republicans in Congress explain to Americans why their sons and daughters are dying in Iraq.

Click here to see how your Senator voted. Regardless of political party affiliation, if your Senator voted "yea" they need to hear from you. Remind the Dems they need to 'dance with the one that brung them to the party' ... and remind the Republicans that this is why they lost.

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