Monday, July 16, 2007

No Captive audience for smut film

Here's an update on Saturday's post about the Los Angeles-based feminist group OBJECT, and their protest to have graphic billboards depicting the abduction, torture and death of a woman used to promote the movie "Captive" taken down. The movie opened in LA over the weekend, at the same time NOW activists were meeting in Detroit.

Well, it seems there is virtually no audience for "Captive." A quick check of the web site revealed that Captive came in 12th, with weekend box office receipts at a fraction of what other films brought in. The paper's review of the film was even worse.
If you happen to be in LA on Tuesday, stop by OBJECT's Lady Party at The Echoplex, 1154 Glendale Blvd. The fun begins at 8:00 p.m.

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