Thursday, August 09, 2007

Straight, White Males Shrinking

Women are more than 51 percent of the population, Wapo reports the percentage of people of color is on the rise, and lesbians and gay men are around 10 percent of the population. So what does this mean for straight, white men? They are on the decline ... but some of us have known that for years!

Don't expect them to fade completely away, however. As author Mariah Burton Nelson wrote in her book The Stronger Women Get, The More Men Love Football, as women assert themselves some men take refuge in the ultra-masculine world of football.

And while they might be the minority population, they still control a majority of the resources in this country -- as CEO's and elected officials at all levels of government.

It could be argued that English only resolutions are symptoms of while male paranoia.

Culpeper County in Virginia recently passed an "English only" resolution.

"We just wanted to clarify that this was an English-speaking county and make sure we reflected that," said Supervisor Bill Chase.

"I think we all came from foreign countries and turned into English-speaking Americans," he said. "But I don't feel a willingness of this particular group to do that. I don't see the willingness to blend into society."

It will be fascinating to see how this plays out, should a major party candidate for president in 2008 be either a woman or a Black man.


Karen said...

If John Edwards were really cool, he would announce that he is actually a bisexual. Then we could really be proud of our slate of democratic front-runners!

BAC said...

That woud be cool!