Monday, October 08, 2007

Why is this soldier dead?

Mystery surrounds the death of Specialist Ciara Durkin, and Massachusetts Senators Kennedy and Kerry have asked for a full investigation.

Durkin, a 30-year-old lesbian service member with the Massachusetts Army National Guard, was found dead from a gunshot wound to the head on September 27. During her last visit home Durkin told her family to press for answers if anything happened to her while she was deployed in Afghanistan.
"She did say to us that she had concerns about things she was seeing when she was over there," Ciara Durkin's sister, Fiona Canavan, said in an interview with WGBH-TV. "She told us if anything happened to her, that we were to investigate it."

Quincy soldier buried with military honors
Oct 6, 2007 NECN - New England News
"A funeral with military honors was held Saturday morning for Army Specialist Ciara Durkin. Durkin, o..."
Play this video 2 minutes


Durkin’s sister, Fiona Canavan, told the Boston Globe that, while evidence does not clearly point to a hate crime, the family has no evidence to the contrary, either. "Ciara was a lesbian, and that's bound to come out," Canavan said. "It is possible that someone over there found that out, and, you know, maybe they were very homophobic."

So what happened to Ciara? Was she the victim of a hate crime? Did she see things from her post in Afghanistan that others clearly didn't want to get out? Why is this terrific young soldier dead? I'd really like to know.


Fran said...

This is yet another tragedy. We are awash in them.

I am so horrified.

StarDragonTheCanadian said...

Meanwhile,the Canadian Armed Forces presided over its first same-sex wedding before Parliament finished writing the new Marriage Act.
The Supreme Court had ruled, they had the couple, they had the Chaplin, why muck about?
I wonder how safe some of our troops are around some of your troops.(OK, there were accidents, but then there's this.):(

Angry Ballerina said...

That makes two of us. As if it's not hard enough to be a woman in the military, talk about a double whammy, being a woman and being a lesbian in an place where it's still pretty much the good old boys club.