Wednesday, November 14, 2007

McCain's Misogyny Campaign

Is a vote for John McCain a vote for misogyny? One has to wonder after watching the above video.

The question: "How do we beat the bitch?" ... followed by laughter from the audience. Another comment: 'I thought she was talking about my ex-wife.' ... followed by more laughter.

Finally, McCain says: 'That's an excellent question.'

As Tennassee Guerilla Woman noted: "Nothing like a woman in the race for the nation's top job to bring the culture's misogyny out into ugly in-your-face full view."

What others are saying:

Some woman-hating on McCain's campaign trail
Quote of the Day A PLANTED QUESTION?
McCain thinks ‘bitch’ inquiry is an ‘excellent question’
Full Video: McCain Says Supporter's "Bitch" Query About Hillary Is "An Excellent Question"
Clinton, McCain and the B-word
John McCain Supporter- "How do we beat the bitch?"
John McCain supporter on Hillary: “How do we beat the Bitch?”
But character is destiny, and you will never persuade me that he is not among the finest of men.
via memeorandum


Jess Wundrun said...

It's not really a lie if you just leave half the sentence off.

F'rinstance: "A recent Rasmussen Poll showed me 3 points ahead of Hillary Clinton...."

Should have been followed with "in my own family"

-or- "among the John Birch society"

-or- "in your pants"

-or- "in bed"

Anyway, at least Clinton's staged questions are about the environment.

pissed off patricia said...

The fact that he did not admonish the questioner tells me all I need to know about him.

Anonymous said...

The Wingnuts are slowly bringing all our favorite "isms" and phobias back into the limelight.

Racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia. These are our real "Founding Fathers."

God Bless the Corporation.

BAC said...

Jess - Yes, and give me staged on environment over this any day!

POP and Fairlane - I couldn't agree more!!


dguzman said...

Gee, I didn't see that on the ever-present Fox Nazi Channel playing on the work cafeteria TV....

I'm surprised they didn't blast it all day long, then show their bubble-headed "hosts" laughing along. However, last time I checked, they were busy talking about a speck of enriched uranium that might have been found in Iran, and what a global crisis it's caused. said...

'how do we beat the bitch?' shirts, hats, stickers, mugs, buttons, magnets, and more are now available now at:

**** ****

it's the new anti-hillary conservative catch phrase!

Fran said...

Deep sigh.

Stop the world I want to get off...

The dry cleaner thing was so frickin ridiculous. Someone had anger issues and most likely borderline personality disorder. The Chungs- what an ordeal over nothing.

Once my dry cleaner shrunk the cardigan portion of a favorite twinset of mine. I was a little upset to see the tiny doll sized cardigan amidst a bunch of other cleaning when I got home. (did they think i might not notice??)

So I went back and at first they were a little defensive and actually suggested that I told them that the cardigan was to be only washed in hot water! Which now makes me laugh my head off.

After some conversation, they simply gave me credit in the amount of $50, which is probably what the sweater was worth.

Justice was served! I did not clog up the courts or ruin the cleaner's life.

As for McCain and that whole bitch business.

What can I say? It all speaks volumes, doesn't it?