Saturday, December 08, 2007

Poll finds Hillary Beats Obama Among LGBT Voters

Found this at Tennessee Guerilla Women, so thought I would pass it along. TGW is a great site, so please stop by if you've never visited them.

A poll of lesbian, gay and bisexual likely voters finds overwhelming support for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

The Hunter College survey of a nationally representative sample of lesbian, gay and bisexual voters found that 63 percent of the LGB population plan to vote for Hillary Clinton, 22 percent for Barack Obama and 7 percent for John Edwards.

Perhaps this has something to do with Obama's poor showing.

Other findings:

• 72 percent of LGB likely voters consider Senator Clinton a supporter of gay rights, with Senator Obama at 52 percent and former Senator Edwards at 41 percent. On the Republican side, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani was at 37 percent, followed by Senator John McCain at 13 percent.

• Nine in 10 LGB likely voters will vote in the Democratic primaries and 21 percent say that lesbian and gay rights will be the most important issue influencing their vote in 2008.

Hot for Hillary Girl

Yikes! All these videos!


Mauigirl said...

Interesting...I see why they don't support Obama because of that gospel tour thing, but it's not as if Hillary has come out in support of gay marriage or anything. I think Dennis Kucinich is the only one who came right out and supported gay marriage, which is really the only fair way to have equal protection under the law.

BAC said...

Not sure I can explain it, but there has just been a love affair with the gay community and the Clinton's. Even though Bill let everyone down with Don't Ask Don't Tell. He was the first president to invite gay leaders into the White House for an official visit. It was a really big deal, and I think some of those feelings carry over today.

Hillary has said she would repeal DADT, which hopefully she will if elected.

You're right that she is not on board with marriage, but has said she will support civil unions with federal recognition. I have a feeling that if she wins she might be more inclined to support marriage.