Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Sign of the times?

I just got home from Indiana and thought you all might be interested in this. As some of you know, I was there to attend an AU chapter meeting -- which was great! As I was heading to the airport this morning, I decided to drive thru McDonald's for an egg McMuffin. I know they are bad, but I don't do it often ... and anyway, I was out of town!

So I'm waiting in line and I noticed that a number of people all had the same licence plate. Of course I had to get my camera out to snap a picture.

Some of the folks at the meeting last night had mentioned these, but I guess I hadn't noticed. Suddenly they were everywhere!

I place my order and I'm driving around to the pick up window and I suddenly realized why there might be a plethora of these particular license plates at this McDonald's.

This sign was, as you can see, very prominent at the pick up window.

Now I accept that a business has a right to post a sign like this. The license plate, well I would need more information before I would feel comfortable commenting on that one. It seems there might be a problem with how it was first offered to motorists by the state.

When the plate was first issued people could get it for the same price as the standard plate -- even though other speciality plates cost drivers more.


Dr. Zaius said...

It might actually be a good idea to to promote prayer at fast food restaurants. Also bicarbonate.

Fran said...

STFU! Oh man- how can we have "faith" inspired license plates?

I am sorry- even if you can pay, it is part of a government entity.

Wrong wrong wrong.

And eeeew- an evangelical McDonald's?

No no no!

BAC said...

Dr. Z ... I agree! And Fran ... I AGREE!!


Fran said...

Today I linked to AU and am about to link to your blog.

Thanks for being there BAC, you rock my sister!!

BAC said...

Fran, you are the best! Thanks!


dguzman said...

Anytime I see these "faith" things, it makes me insane, and not just because I'm a non-believer. As Fran said, this is a state entity issuing these "vanity" (I'll say!) plates, and unless they've got some that say "Shalom Aleichem" and "Blessed Be" and "Allah is Great" or whatever, then they shouldn't have ANY religious plates. Not only are they mixing church and state, but they're doing it in typical christo-centric American fashion! Grrr!!!

There's a Subway near my work that offers discounts on Sundays to customers who bring in their church bulletins. For a freaking sandwich! Drives me nuts.