Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thompson thinks no woman should be president

Republican presidential candidate Fred "I'd-rather-be-sleeping" Thompson, while campaigning in Iowa, said that no woman should be president.

Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson says there's not a woman who should be president next year.

It was a jab aimed at Democratic candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The former Tennessee senator was in Iowa today, challenging potential caucus-goers to choose the best man to help fend off what he described as a Democratic Party that would lead the country into a welfare state.

Without saying Clinton's name, he said -- quote -- "There is no woman on the horizon that ought to be president next year, let's all agree on that."

Thompson continued to refer to the next president as a man who should represent conservative principles and values.


Dr. Zaius said...

Ha! What a great picture! It looks like Fred has gotten a job with Geico!

BAC said...

Yes, photo shop is wonderful! Maybe he should consider a career with Geico!


Unknown said...

I laughed outloud (really) when I saw that pic. I didn't like Thompson on Law and Order and I don't like him in real life either. I think Jackass.

Fran said...

Oh man- Thompson! You have insulted the neanderthals though!!!

Distributorcap said...

did fred also say that no old men with jouls, pinheads for brains, having "good conservative credentials" and dead ringers for the creature from the black lagoon should be president

Anonymous said...

Oh, hell! Why don't we just admend the Constitution to say that you must be a white, fat in wallet and girth, male to be president and get it over with.

Love the picture!


BAC said...

Mathman - always glad to bring a smile to the faces of my blogger friends.

Fran - I know, I thought of that, too! ha

Distributorcap - I think so!

DCup - When did you start writing for the Thompson campaign? seriously, don't give them any ideas.


Fran said...

Oh BAC, I thought I left a comment letting you know this but I guess not.

I look forward to your participation if you will indulge me. It will certainly have some... integrity?!