Instead, we got a debate where each candidate presented their positions on the issues. We even got a chance to see them question each other, which was kind of fun.
I've said it before and I'll say it again -- any one of these candidates is LIGHT YEARS better than anyone being put forward by the Republicans.
Meanwhile, Michigan voters came through for us by keeping Mitt in the race. A slug-fest on the Republican side can only benefit Democrats. And it demonstrates that the Republican party is having a very hard time coalescing behind one person.
It's Great!
Didn't that race baiting by Russert and Williams tick you off last night? I haven't had time to watch any of the news shows this morning, but I'll lay odds that those are the only questions they'll talk about.
I hope we can get past all that, but we won't know until our candidates go on to their rallies and town hall meetings. If they are going to do bashing of the other candidates, that's when they will do it, in front of a supportive audience. I hope they won't, it will only be a big step backward if they do.
Yes Swinebread ... and I agree Mary Ellen.
I continue to be amazed and annoyed by the whole "race" issue in this election year. Obama has an African father. He has a "white" American mother. His skin is brown. What difference does it make from whom he got his x chromosome? What if he had three white grandparents and one black grandparent? What if he had seven white great-grandparents and one black grandparent? Would we still refer to him as "black?" Would "race" still be an issue? We are so FUCKED UP to even be interested in such an irrelevant topic.
Obama is intelligent, well-educated and articulate. What a refreshing change it would be to have someone with those characteristics in the White House.
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