Get another job.Good grief!
At a press conference today unveiling the stimulus proposal, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) justified the conservative plan to give tax breaks to corporations — instead of working Americans — by arguing that people actually like working long hours:
"I am so proud to be from the state of Minnesota. We’re the workingest state in the country, and the reason why we are, we have more people that are working longer hours, we have people that are working two jobs."
Oh yeah - tax cuts for corporations.
ps: That's Bachmann and Bush stuck together ... yuck.
Man, Who believes this crap anymore (I never did)?
It has never worked and will never worked for regular folks
I remember a few years ago when Bush was doing a photo op someplace a woman he spoke with told him she had to work two jobs to make ends meet. His response was basically "Isn't that wonderful!" like we all just dream of putting in 60, 70, or 80 work weeks just to survive. Next the Repugnicans will suggest repealing the child labor laws so corporations won't have to go overseas anymore to find 10-year-olds to work for them.
You ever wonder why there are no more gas station attendants? Those guys who will check your oil and put air in your tires?
It's cheaper for gas-station owners to put a cashier inside and credit-card machines at the pump. In other words, the falling price of advancing payment technology crossed with the increasing cost of hiring workers to pump gas reached the point where the gas jockey is out of luck.
The same thing is happening in supermarkets where self-checkout is increasing. Next it will happen in places like Target when products have electronic price tags on them, giving customers the ability to complete their purchases without a human cashier.
Meanwhile, the use of robots on assembly lines is increasing. Car-makers in the US and around the world will need fewer humans to build cars because robots are less expensive.
Swinebread - I agree!
Nan - I remember that, too. How disgusting! Thanks for stopping by!
Anonymous - I stopped at the grocery story on the way home, and I was thinking the same thing! With so much automation, human workers might become extinct! Maybe we could get the government to hire them at the DMV! I hate those long lines.
I swear. Bachman is of the ilk who think that we all work in jobs we love because we want to work and be fulfilled.
I'm thinking that the people staffing my local Staples, for example, may look relieved to have a job, but fulfilled? Ha!
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