Monday, January 28, 2008

Hillary Clinton to Vote No on Cloture

Sen. Hillary Clinton will be in the Senate and voting "no" on cloture on the FISA bill.

Mcjoan at DailyKos writes:

Jane breaks the great news that Senator Clinton will be on the floor tomorrow to vote against McConnell's cloture vote on the Intelligence Committee's pro-telco amnesty FISA bill. Beating this vote is critical, and good for Clinton for taking the time out of the campaign to do her current job. The Obama campaign hasn't yet said if he will be there, too, though he is scheduled to have a fundraiser in DC at 4:00. [Update: That was fast! Jane is now reporting that Obama will be there to vote no, too. This is great news. Thank you, Senators, for listening to us, and in turn, sending this critical message.]

It's great that Sen. Clinton is coming back for the vote -- it's as if she had two votes!

1 comment:

KELSO'S NUTS said...

Rather "partisan" of Obama, si o no?