Keith Olbermann questioned Tim about "must a question be ask?" regarding race. Tim's response was so typical, "I think it must be asked" -- and do you want to know why? Because it's been on the front page, and in so many newscasts! The two campaigns want to take this off the table, so why does Timmy feel the need to keep it going? This is a classic example of MSM at its worst.
Clearly, voters want to hear about the economy. That is the pressing issue of the day. But never mind what is important to voters, TIM is going to decide what's important to voters.
Would someone take this clown off the air!
Agreed, 37 minutes of talking heads talking about random nonsense while the candidates fight to talk about actual issues.
BAC: thanks for this great post and awesome graphic!
I assume you saw last Sunday's MEET THE PRESS and were as appalled as I was.
Though Russert isn't a fire-breathing overt right-winger like Rush Limbaugh, Russert represents the VERY WORST elements of that Beltway-Insider thing that does so much to limit debate and disunite the country.
Both your commenters have make great points. I won't attempt to elaborate.
But that picture!!!!!!! Awesome!!!
John, Kelso & DCup - thanks! And isn't Photoshop great!!
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