Saturday, February 23, 2008

"Don't Mess with Hill"


Anonymous said...

I hope you're reading the blog The Hillary 1000. A group of women in New England got together to fundraise for the Senator. I launched an accompanying blog and am one of three pro-Clinton bloggers posting there regularly.

Please check us out and spread the word!!

BAC said...

Will do!


KELSO'S NUTS said...

We know what Bob Woodward turned into. Here's my Carl Bernstein story.

It was maybe 1986, and I was 25. A college classmate threw a big party at a loft in Hoboken, NJ. Most of the people there were around my age and pretty much everyone was dressed in the style of the day -- Ivy League tattered. As on Sesame Street, one of these things was NOT like the others. Carl Bernstein, wearing leather pants, some open to the navel print qiana shirt and a gold chain, cowboy boots, reeking of cologne, sitting all by himself on a couch, trying in vain to hit on all the women my age. He was looking and acting for all the world like one of the Eastern European brothers Steve Martin and Dan Ackroyd used to play.

I remember saying to my friends "this is really sad...this guy changed the world 14 years ago and look at him now...what a dork!"

BAC said...

Kelso - and he's still a dork!