Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day


dguzman said...

BRILLIANT! This is the perfect summation of my problems with Obama. Nice find!

Anonymous said...

Great cartoon BAC. Empty box...empty suit...what's the dif?

KELSO'S NUTS said...

Eso es. Tenemos un partido entre una mujer madura, escoge el sentido, con ideas y experiencia ejecutiva, del debate y de ASISTIR Y VOTAR cuando la llamaban y muchismia sabiduria tambien, pue' contra un payaso. Tal vez Obama sea un payaso con trayectoria, pero sin embargo sea payaso.

Comrade Kevin said...

It's all post-modern now, BAC. :)

Better an empty box than a box full of high negatives and sundry baggage.

BAC said...

Oh, not so Kevin ... not so. Give me a woman of substance over an empty box any day.


Fran said...

What a great cartoon.


Kelso - no puedo entender sus palabras!

I just heard a great thing on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me where they were likening Obama supporters to Tom Cruise-like Scientologists.

Which scares me deeply.

On a more serious note, I heard the tail end of an interview yesterday on All Things Considered about how the Obama campaign is strong-arming Hillary supporters. Case in point - John Lewis.

Very sad.

Farnsworth68 said...

Even as an Obama supporter, I think this is hilariously brilliant satire!