Saturday, February 02, 2008

Hummm ...

You're To Kill a Mockingbird!

by Harper Lee

Perceived as a revolutionary and groundbreaking person, you have changed the minds of many people. While questioning the authority around you, you've also taken a significant amount of flack. But you've had the admirable guts to persevere. There's a weird guy in the neighborhood using dubious means to protect you, but you're pretty sure it's worth it in the end. In the end, it remains unclear to you whether finches and mockingbirds get along in real life.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

h/t Politits


Unknown said...

You're so progressive. Such a great book.

Anonymous said...

No surprise here BAC! It's a compliment, really.

BAC said...

Thanks, guys.


Jess Wundrun said...

I'm jealous. Tell me your answers so I can go back and be TKAM.

Swinebread said...

Great book! that's a good one to be!