Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Name one accomplishment by Obama, part II

Some things are worth repeating. This video should be a wake up call to anyone thinking about supporting Obama.


John J. said...

And again I ask, since when has Faux News become a credible news source?

Accomplishments by Obama:
Numerous reforms on a local level when he was organizing in Chicago.
Actual passed health care reform.
Lobbyist reform on a state level.
Lobbyist reform on a federal level.
Has fought repeatedly for civil rights, both in law and in state and national Senates.

joshhill1021 said...

I see your point BAC, but using Fixed News as your source does kind of diminish the credibility. I am on the fence though.

BAC said...

John - how ironic that the guy works on lobbyist reform and then is engaged in stealth lobbyist funding for his campaign. I suggest you read "Obama’s K Street project"

Boxer - do your own test. Ask the next five people you meet tomorrow what Obama has accomplished, and see if they can name one thing.


KELSO'S NUTS said...




What hath God, Pat Robertson and the Illinois Democratic Electorate in primary 2004 wrought? Jack Ryan, for god's sakes man, how many menages-a-trois were enough???

Mary Ellen said...

This is a little off topic, BAC, hope you don't mind.

I was reading Barack Obama's blog and comments and saw this:

"I probably shouldn't say this, but I use Hillary's new phonebanking tool for us. I call her numbers and use our scripts (I copied and pasted them from a few previous calls).


after this comment, someone came on and said that they shouldn't do it because it lacks integrity. That didn't last long, after that, this comment was made:

" By Alpha Today at 2:08 am EST
No, don't stop. That is very clever and accomplishes two things. 1. gets our message out. 2. eliminates a phone number from their message.

Seriously, don't stop. it's a great tactic and it pales in comparrison to the push polling tactics they use all the time. As long as our message is a positive one, who cares where you get the phone number from.

I say good thinking!! "

This is going to give false information to Hillary and make polling information on the calls impossible, not to mention, those numbers can't be used again once they do.

They're taking their campaign tactics right out of the right wing Rove book.

Anyway, I went on Hillary Clinton's site to the phone bank to make some calls and it looks like it's shut down...there are no numbers to call. Also, although I logged in, no comments will go through to her blog. Nor, will my e-mails go through.

Anyone know what's going on?

BAC said...

Obama dirty tricks ... looks like Mr. Hope is quite the slime himself. I'll see what I can find out.


John J. said...

From that same post Mary Ellen:
"agree. I'm not comfortable with this either.

Lace, I really appreciate what you're doing for the campaign, but please...we need to stop worrying about what the Clinton campaign is doing.

Please stick to OUR campaign's phonebanking tools.
How would you feel if HRC supporters infiltrated our system, too?"

and from the commenter who said that:
" By Lace King Today at 2:40 am EST
Gah I'm sorry I even put that up! I mean, I'm glad I figured out that I should stop, but everyone keeps commenting :-/


What would Barack do?"

And for further clarification of these numbers:
"The phonebanking tools are created by a company called Voter Activation Network that produces organizing software exclusively for progressive causes. Every candidate has had access to these tools. They were also available in 2006. They are a part of Howard Dean's belief in people-powered politics, and it's part of what's been helping the Democrats win elections since 2004.

This is my point- no one is "stealing" anything from anyone, and we're all using the same phone banking lists, since all of the phone numbers in the system come from voter registration forms."

This is not Sen. Obama telling his supporters to do this, and the one who did do it apologized and emphatically asked everyone else to not do it.

Back on topic, I can do the same thing for Clinton and get the same "I don't know" answers. This is an arbitrary, unscientific poll and holds no real weight.

As for lobbyists supporting Obama, you are implying one of two options: 1) Lobbyists don't have the same free speech rights to support the candidate of their choice that you and I do; or 2) Obama has violated FEC rules by hiding donations and volunteers from the commission. If you think you have proof of the second, bring it and get rid of this BS "this guy said one thing, but we think he is really doing the other thing, so it must be the second," FUD.

BAC said...

The game Obama is playing is to say to the public "I don't take money from lobbyists" -- while in private his staff is saying, 'but will your wife give us a contribution.' THAT, my friend, is hypocrisy at it's core.


Comrade Kevin said...

Barack simply hasn't been in the Senate long enough to have accomplished much "significant" and I always object to the smarmy tone of Faux News commentators and their smearing of liberals, be it this video or the one I put up on my blog where Ann Coulter threw her support behind Hillary Clinton.

The question is not what have you done wrongly, Barack, but what have you done, Ms. Clinton, that actually worked? Don't cite Health Care or that you fought the vast Right Wing Conspiracy.

And don't cite anything your husband did either. You've made it very clear you are not him, or at least that's what I've been told to believe. Sure is hard to determine sometimes, though, I gotta tell ya.

If we're talking shelf-life here, Obama hasn't been in the Senate much longer than she has, and her role in the Bill Clinton White House aside from the Health Care debacle has never been delineated.

How about asking Bill Clinton.

President Clinton, name me one thing your wife did in your administration that worked?

That, my friends, is the question.

BAC said...

Why can't she site health care, when her actions are responsible for more people having health care now than did before she became a Senator? She has also made sure that all the people who responded to the 9/11 tragedy are taken care of.

She has helped pass legislation that increased education opportunities for students to attend college and trade schools. And she secured more than $1.7 million in affordable housing grants for New Yorkers.

There is more, but I'm too tired to keep looking.


John J. said...

Last I checked, this person's wife isn't a lobbyist. You, of all people, are the last one I would expect to see saying the actions of the husband define the wife.

KELSO'S NUTS said...

Jonn J:

You're exactly right on the specifics, but the problem is that it messes up your "theme." Not only is Obama not "above politics" but also he's very good at the nuts and bolts of raising money, banking favors, and working the levers. That's not a bad thing. It's a good thing. You want a pol who can do all that. The problem is that you can't do that, say you're not doing it, accuse everyone else of being in the gutter and then be a crybaby when the truth comes out.

And please don't counter with HRC in New Hampshire or Dean in Iowa. She was exhausted and expressed it. He was frustrated at losing Iowa after throwing all his money at it and expressed it. One-off situations. Obama is ALWAYS whining.

BAC said...

John - it's complete hypocrisy for Obama to say he is not taking contributions from lobbyists, and then asking the LOBBYIST if their WIFE will contribute. WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE????

Your guy is playing fast and loose with HIS OWN RULES. Doesn't that make you a little uncomfortable?