Sunday, February 10, 2008

Saturday Night in Virginia

Universal health care
Strengthening the middle class
Bringing our troops home
Improving our education system
Making higher education affordable
Taking on global warming

All the reasons I'm supporting Sen. Hillary Clinton.


Katie Schwartz said...

those are all the reasons that I'm voting for her, too. I believe in my heart that she will do such an astounding job as president of our country. There's no question about it.

I'm so happy you found my blog because now I've found yours!

Feminists who love Hills. I'm a happy girl.

Comrade Kevin said...

Howard Dean wants this tied up ASAP. Since Hillary has lost the last five contests in a row and is likely to lose the next three, and has just replaced her campaign manager, Hillary supporters clearly have their backs against the wall.

Anonymous said...

Hillary supporters clearly have their backs against the wall.

She is favored to win Texas and Ohio and possibly Virginia. Even now she has a slight lead in the number of delegates, and would have a much larger lead if the delegations from Florida and Michigan were counted, as they almost certainly will be in the end. Florida and Ohio are the most critical swing states; the Democratic perty antagonizes their voters at its peril. Neither Democratic candidate has decisively won this yet, but I think her chances are (somewhat) better than even.

BAC said...

Jewgirl - I'm so glad you are here, too!

CK - Hillary has won all the big states. The states Obama is winning are states that will go Republican in the fall. She is on track to win TX, PA and probably OH. All states key to a win in November. Hillary is clearly the best candidate for the general election.

Infidel - I agree.


Mauigirl said...

It's a tight race. I think either candidate could be a good president. I'm supporting Obama because I feel he has less baggage. But if Hillary wins I will support her strongly.

Anonymous said...

Bottom Line:

It looks like you got some vote fraud hanky-panky, and selling of votes going on in the democratic caucuses. Obama seems to be doing disproportionately well in the caucuses where it is easier to commit vote fraud, and sell votes. Obama has not been doing as well in the non caucus primary's where you can't cheat the vote as easily.

I smell a pole cat. I smell the Karl Rove vote fraud machine at work. This looks like past presidential elections where most voters leaving the poles said they voted for the other guy. But Bush still won. No wonder Obama thinks the republicans have some good ideas. Apparently a lot of republicans are voting for Obama in the democratic caucuses.

The insurance companies, and medical industry that have been ripping you off, and killing you are determined to keep you, the American people from having good universal health care. So it seems they are supporting Obama. Along with the republican vote fraud machine.

This looks like a great story for a team of aggressive investigative reporters. Or maybe some good documentary film makers like Michael Moore, or Oliver Stone.

If I were the Clinton's, I would focus like a laser bean on what has been going on in the democratic caucuses. No wonder the Republicans like Obama so much. Looks like he's their man in the democratic caucuses.

I'm absolutely convinced now that Hillary Clinton is your best choice for good universal health care coverage. And HR 676 (Medicare For All). "Single payer, Tax Supported, Not For Profit, True Universal Health Care" free for all as a right. Like every other developed country in the world has. See:

"HR 676:
For church goers: less money to insur. companies and more to the church- lots more.
Srs on Medicare: save way over $100/wk. Because no more medigap, long term care & dental insur. needed. No more drug bills."

They really think you are all stupid, inattentive cash cows... It may be time to bring back Bad Bill, Good Bill.