I sat back stage with Lindy Maddox, an absolutely charming woman from Alabama, there to tell her story about standing up to Judge Roy Moore who -- under cover of night -- brought a Ten Commandments monument into a judicial building
All the windows had been shot out of her house. Her parents, who were battling cancer, were harassed, most of her legal clients took their business elsewhere -- but when I asked her if she planned to leave the area she said "no. If I leave there will be no one to fight for what's right." What an amazing woman, and an amazing amount of courage she has.

Dr. Wicklund is one of the most caring physicians I have ever met. She is the kind of doctor who treats the "whole" patient. If she senses that a woman is being pressured into having an abortion (by a partner or family member), she encourages the woman to take the time necessary to make her own decision about whether or not to have an abortion.
Dr. Wicklund understands that treating the whole woman means understanding that she might need to have an abortion for her economic well being, her chance to finish school (or get an education at all), and her mental well being if she is simply not ready to be a mother.
I've known this wonderful woman for 16 years, and have tremendous admiration for her and the work she does. The photo above of Susan at a NOW press conference in 1996, was taken by me. If you haven't done so already, pick up a copy of her book "This Common Secret."

And David and Ryan Antoon, father and son, who shared a dream that Ryan would follow in his father's footsteps and attend the Air Force Academy. They are a father and son who clearly love each other dearly, and love their country. When David attending the Academy the focus was on "leadership." Developing young men into leaders. When Ryan arrived the focus has shifted to developing "warriors." And the diversity of religions had shifted to a focus that was almost exclusively evangelical. Ryan, with the full support of his father, decided against attending the Academy.
They are speaking out about this to anyone who will listen because they are deeply concerned about an entity within our government, charged with protecting and defending our citizens AND our Constitutional guarantees actually doing just the opposite! I'm pretty tired, so this might not be coming out exactly as it should, but the assault on our courts and our military should be frightening to everyone.
If you are reading this I hope you live near one of the 37 cities that will show the program on Wednesday night. You can check the First Freedom First web site for a theater near you.
Amazing post. Thanks! I was out of town last week and while fishing around for a radio station tuned into a fundamentalist Christian rant. It's amazing how these people who want to impede our freedoms so badly are constantly whining that they are the ones being persecuted.
Wow! That's so fantastic that you participated it that.
The Air Force Academy thing is a festering problem that needs to be cleaned up. It is absolutely ridiculous that we're paying those knuckleheads to indoctrinate young potential Air Force officers with that garbage.
But who says there weren't dinosaurs on the ark? I've seen all those old Lost World movies where people wind up stranded on an island and fight dinosaurs.
Movies never lie.
All the windows had been shot out of her house. Her parents, who were battling cancer, were harassed
Dr. Susan Wicklund, who for years was the only doctor providing abortion services in a THREE STATE AREA, talked about the "Lambs of Christ" who would follow her daughter into her public school and hand out fliers calling saying "Sonia's mother is a baby killer."
Isn't Christian love wonderful? Those people are certainly better and more moral human beings than we atheists are.
Jess - thanks, it is amazing that they feel so persecuted. Americans United would be the first to defend their right to hold what ever religious belief they want ... yet they still hate us.
Dean Wormer -- It's one of the most exciting projects I've ever had the pleasure to work on. The people are fantastic, every one of them. And the whole religion in the military thing is truly frightening.
Infidel -- I couldn't agree more. I've heard of killing someone with kindness, but these folks take that to a whole new (and frightening) level.
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