I'll say it again. The momentum has been with Obama for weeks. He out spent her two to one in Texas and Ohio, and yet Sen. Hillary Clinton won three of the four contests tonight! And her wins have been in significant states. She is very much in this contest, in spite of the spin machine that has so concertedly worked against her.
Congratulations Sen. Clinton!!
I think Ann Richards had a hand in this!!!!
Me, too! I was so excited I couldn't stop watching last night!
You may allow yourself a brief period of congratulatory celebration.
When you destroy the party and end up electing John McCain, I don't think you'll be showered in confetti.
Comrade Kevin -- your drama queen persona is not at all attractive.
Come on now, Comrade Kevin, you know better than that.
And from my point of view it's Obama destroying the Democratic Party. My God, when did it become a DEMOCRATIC strategy to join up with the mainstream media and make fun of the elderly, unemployed workers, Latin American immigrants and people without higher education? I found even the reckoning of the results and snide remarks by an Obama-favoring CNN to be very offensive.
If that's what you're about Kevin, I don't mind. Everybody's entitled to have an opinion and express it but in light of your candidates retrograde social and economic views isn't it a little rich to call yourself "Comrade"?
"Comrade" has a very specific European political meaning. Exactly the kind of thing against which Obama bases his campaign upon.
I think I hear Woody Guthrie's ghost right now coming into your house and he's got a lot of unemployed black-listed coal miners with him...give them Obama "YES WE CAN" buttons and maybe they'll go away, COMRADE.
No, BAC. I'm not done with this topic at all. One of the things that really scalds my nuts about Obama is when he talks about the "the streets of Chicago," like he's some kind of tough guy who worked way out of the ghetto. His father had millions stashed in private banks all over the world and his mother's family goes back to the Mayflower.
You know how bad it sucks not to have money. I know how bad it sucks. One person who never will is Barack Obama.
I got union and radical and criminal on both sides of my family and unlike Obama and his goof-ball supporters, now that I have money, if my Dad or Mom ever heard me making fun of the less fortunate or the old or the sick or the uneducated or immigrants, even at 46, I'd get a stern talking-to about fucking manners and respecting the sacrifices of relatives who worked at shit jobs instead of going to school and who fucking stole or turned tricks and did all kinds of madness because that was what was available just so I could someday "get there" if I studied real hard.
I've forgotten more about finance than Obama will ever know, and I love making money, but I'll never forget who did what for me and where I came from.
And these robots have the nerve to make fun of people like my parents and aunts and uncles and grandparents? Sickening.
I don't think "blue collar Democrats" are particularly funny. I admire anyone who works hard at something that's not "personally fulfilling" so a child or grandchild can have a better life.
These "NEW DEMOCRATS" or whatever they call themselves need to learn some respect even if they can't find any compassion or human kindness in themselves.
And Christ don't get me started on this gay issue. I self-identify as "straight" but I'm not sure which is worse with these fuckwits: the classism or the homophobia.
BAC, let's be honest here, these folks are Republicans. They aren't in any way, shape or form, COMRADES. Sure, I'd like Clinton to be more like Kucinich, but that's not who she is. She's got some compassion and some manners, at least.
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