To call attention to this a regular contributor at Daily Kos has decided to go on strike. Guest posting at TaylorMarsh.com today, Alegre has announced a "writers strike." I'll let Alegre explain:
This is an open letter to the progressive blogosphere...If you agree, stop by Taylor Marsh and let Alegre know.
I’ve been posting at DailyKos for nearly 4 years now and started writing diaries in support of Hillary Clinton back in June of last year. Over the past few months I’ve noticed that things have become progressively more abusive toward my candidate and her supporters.
I’ve put up with the abuse and anger because I’ve always believed in what our on-line community has tried to accomplish in this world. No more. DailyKos is not the site it once was thanks to the abusive nature of certain members of our community.
I’ve decided to go on "strike" and will refrain from posting here as long as the administrators allow the more disruptive members of our community to trash Hillary Clinton and distort her record without any fear of consequence or retribution. I will not be posting at DailyKos effective immediately. I will not help drive up traffic or page-hits as long as my candidate – a good and fine DEMOCRAT - is attacked in such a horrid and sexist manner not only by other diarists, but by several of those posting to the front page. [...]
Sadly, the majority of the administrators have allowed this hostile environment to develop in our online community for anyone who isn’t planted firmly in the Obama camp. They've routinely ignored personal attacks and allowed disruptive, spam-like posts to go unchecked whenever anyone expresses support for Hillary or challenges something their candidate has said or done. There are however several front-pagers who have managed to avoid taking part in the attacks on Hillary and for that I’m grateful. But the site has grown to the point where they simply can’t – or won’t monitor it.
As a result, our community has become little more than an echo chamber with an attitude that harkens back to the early days of Dubbya’s administration - yer either with us or yer a’gin us, heh! The attackers and disrupters are no better than Chris Matthews with their sexism, hate, lies, and obsession with bashing - all – things – Hillary.
I wrote a similar post today about this, I'm glad to see you have it here, too. Our so-called progressive wing of the Democratic party are no better than the right wing thugs of the Republican party. They are using the same tactics, and behaving in the same despicable way. I have a lot of people who read my blog that are Obama supporters, and I hope they read what is going on over at those blogs. All those blogs think the Hillary supporters will return, as MSNBC and Air America does...I hope they don't hold their breath.
My days of giving donations to the DNC, or moveon.org are over,too. If Obama wins this nomination, and God help us if he does, my voice will remain silent and I will not vote for him, I don't care if this is what Hillary asks of us. If someone wants my vote, they have to earn it and he's lost all chances of that ever happening.
I like the sentiment, but I'm afraid I am going to be a SCAB and cross the picket line. I want to cross-post my Olbermann screed there. I know his people read the site, since so many of the stories there end up on his broadcast. Just want to give him every opportunity to know how "special" I think he is. I'll probably post it early - 6-6:30ish AM PDT. Then I'll be done.
mw - I completely understand. I certainly hope Olbermann DOES read your post.
maybe this whole sordid stuff is just showing a side of human nature we just dont like - or maybe this country is really turning into the country Lee Atwater, Newt Gingrich, Karl Rove and Tom Delay has unleashed
i am not a hillary supporter -- but everyone has the right to support whomever they choose, even Mccain supporters.
i also stopped posting at Daily kos because of how nasty and PC that site had become - on a lot of fronts besides just Hillary.
keep up your fight.... you got me as a supporter no matter whom.
I've read Daily Kos & Democratic Underground for years (six or so) - but for both of them in the past chunk of months have become unreadable because of the nature of the attacks against Clinton and the fact that Clinton supporters are so harshly attacked.
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