Don't agonize, organize ... that's my mantra. Change won't happen unless you work to make it happen! But sometimes even your best efforts don't provide the results you were looking for. Or sometimes a situation is just so completely outrageous that all you can do is say ... YIKES!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
It's almost here!!
Yes, it's almost time for the 2nd annual Easter Weekend Blog Against Theocracy! To get you in the "spirit" I thought I would share this message from Catherine Dent.
Catherine Dent elects to keep her own counsel. I don't. I am atheist by belief system and Jewish by ancestry. Everywhere in the world up to and including Southern Lebanon nobody would care one way or the other.
Two countries would care A LOT: THE USA AND SAUDI ARABIA.
1 comment:
Catherine Dent elects to keep her own counsel. I don't. I am atheist by belief system and Jewish by ancestry. Everywhere in the world up to and including Southern Lebanon nobody would care one way or the other.
Two countries would care A LOT: THE USA AND SAUDI ARABIA.
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