Relentless feminist activist, video loving doggiest
Here are the rules:
You must tag 5 others, and link back to the person who tagged you. Okay ...
1. Dean Wormer at The Dean's Office

2. FranIAm
3. SueJ at Nailing Jello to the Wall
4. Ellen at The Divine Democrat
and last, but certainly not least
5. DCup at PoliTits
Hmmmmmm. I am DEFINITELY going to need more coffee before I tackle this!
BAC! My girl!!
This is all I can say -
"No more memes for me now!"
Sorry, I did this the other day and I had to declare myself meme-free for awhile!!
Sorry for the delay but I finally replied to your and zaius' evil tag.
Cheers and happy weekending!
SueJ - I had the same response.
Fran - Hear ya!
Dean - Thanks!
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