And these guys want to be in charge of our national security? Good grief.
The Obama campaign has been trying to pin the blame on the Clinton's, but that strategy now seems to have blown up in their face.
CNN reports:
The CEO of a company whose employee is accused of improperly looking at the passport files of presidential candidates is a consultant to the Barack Obama campaign, a source said Saturday.As I've said before, Obama is simply not ready for prime time.
John O. Brennan, president and CEO of the Analysis Corp., advises the Illinois Democrat on foreign policy and intelligence issues, the source said.
Brennan briefed the media on behalf of the campaign this month.
The executive is a former senior CIA official and former interim director of the National Counterterrorism Center. [...]
The Washington Times, which broke the story Thursday night that Obama's records had been improperly accessed, reported Saturday that the State Department inquiry is focusing on the Analysis Corp. employee.
And for all this attention, do you know what's even in your passport file? Basically, nothing. Name, address, SSN. that's about it.
Obama should worry more if someone accessed his supermarket "bonus club" card account. there's way more personal information in there.
This story is just another distraction.
I agree!!
The problem that this issue brought up is not so much that Obama's (and the other candidates') private information was easily breached and the only reason it was found out was that this information has access flags on it. Those flags aren't set on yours or my passport information (not that I have a passport).
The fact that an Obama supporter is the CEO of the company has nothing to do with the issue, it was a peon unknown to the CEO that did the breach. The problem isn't the CEO of this company, it is the ease of access and the lack of safeguards on this information.
The only blame I have heard being laid on anyone from this is on the Bush administration for its lack of caring for personal privacy. Not on Clinton or her campaign, not on McCain or his campaign, and not on this CEO.
I hope this serves as a kind of wake-up call for America about how the federal government is being run: Contractors everywhere!
I agree with Sue--unfortunately, the MSM and Congress are not bothering to pay attention to that fact.
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