Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Hillary factor

h/t to Tennessee Guerilla Women


mwb said...

Good piece. And I haven't thought of Pat in years. Run, Pat, Run!"

I even donated.

BAC said...

I had the pleasure of meeting her once, at a conference, and getting to actually have a conversation. We ended up talking about the military, and I asked why we needed four separate branches that were providing overlapping services. There was a news report at the time about how one of them (and I am dating myself with this comment) had developed a fax maching that could withstand a nuclear blast. It cost something like $700,000 dollars. Once ONE branch had it, they suddenly ALL wanted one -- at a cost of several million dollars to the tax payer.

One of my first questions was "who will be around to send the fax?"

It was a lively discussion, that I'm sure I'm not doing justice here! ha