Don't agonize, organize ... that's my mantra. Change won't happen unless you work to make it happen! But sometimes even your best efforts don't provide the results you were looking for. Or sometimes a situation is just so completely outrageous that all you can do is say ... YIKES!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Campaigning is tough ...
Sen. Barack Obama, with Sen. Bob Casey, takes a break for breakfast at the Glider Diner, while campaigning in Scranton on Monday. And he must have been pretty hungry!
"Why can't I just eat my waffle?" he said, when asked a foreign policy question by a reporter at the diner.
I'm sure campaigns can be grueling, but hey ... you asked for it! ha
Leggo my Eggooooooo! What a putz he is!
"Certainly, Mr President. World peace can wait until you've finished your breakfast. Let the machine pick it up."
*The red phone rings in the background ...*
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