Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This is so true!!

I was just doing a little blog surfing when I came across this by Lambert at Corrente:

Somebody needs to tell Obama's supporters...

… that when you’re in a fight, complaining how tired you are isn’t the best way to win it.

That’s all I hear today* from the “creative class” [cough] and the pundits and the OFB:

I’m t-i-i-i-r-e-d!

Well, you’re going to be a lot more tired pretty soon. Like the PA trucker said: “That woman has thirty hours in her day.”
This is soooooo true!! I was invited to be on a call with Sen. Clinton today, and she had just come from a rally in downtown Indianapolis -- a city where I once lived and worked. Her enthusiasm was amazing. She talked about last night's primary win, and about her experience at the rally today.

She shared a touching story about the young mother of three who had introduced her at the rally. Like much of the country, times are tough in Indiana -- so this woman researched each candidate to decide who would best serve HER interests if elected. The candidate she picked was Sen. Clinton. So she sent the Senator a $25 donation.

As the weeks progress, and it became apparent the contest would continue, the woman decided to up her contribution to $25 a month -- which given her budget is a lot. Feeling that still wasn't enough, the woman has been spending her lunch hours at Clinton headquarters making phone calls! Sen. Clinton could relate to this woman as a mother who wants the best for her children.

This young woman used to be a Republican, but thinks her party abandoned her ... and she is now supporting a Democrat.

I'm from Indiana, and while I lived there the state was mostly Democratic. It broke my heart to see it swing into the "red" state column -- but with economic times as tough as they are, this could be the year it swings back!

I'm not sure where Sen. Clinton is at this moment, but I do know she spend at least a few hours today in Washington, DC. She came back for the vote on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

Like the PA trucker said: “That woman has thirty hours in her day.”


mwb said...

I'm this close to donating.

But I really hate donating in the Dem Presidential primary. I prefer donating at the lower levels where I feel I can help make the most difference.

dmarks said...

"that when you’re in a fight, complaining how tired you are isn’t the best way to win it."

It was Bill who said that Hillary was old and tired, recently. I can't imagine her approving this.

BAC said...

MWB - this is the first presidential race I've donated to.

Dmarks - I'm sure she didn't! In fact, it would probably help her campaign if he would just keep quite. ha