Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What Would You Do?

Southwest Airlines passenger Joe David Jones was met at the gate by Dallas police, for refusing to get off his cell phone while the plane was in flight. Early media reports left the impression that Jones was just another obnoxious businessman, who thinks rules are meant to be broken.

But was that the case?

It seems the call was with a physician treating his father, who had just suffered a serious heart attack. The doctor need to speak with Jones immediately, to make critical life-death decisions regarding his father.

Police said Joe David Jones, 50, of Austin, was cited for disorderly conduct. Jones did not immediately return a phone call from The Associated Press seeking comment.

The Federal Aviation Administration bars use of mobile phones when planes are flying due to concerns about interference with navigation systems.

King said airlines can be fined up to $25,000 for allowing cell phone use, and passengers also can be fined.
If you were Joe David Jones, what would you have done?


Mary Ellen said...

Why couldn't the flight attendant hook him up with one of the phones on they have on the plane...or why couldn't the pilot have hooked him up somehow on the radio through the tower.

If it were me, I would have stayed on the phone had I thought it would save my father's life. His life would mean more to me than a fine from the airlines. I would then bring it to a court with a jury and hope that they would sympathize and get me off the hook.

Mauigirl said...

He did the right thing by staying on the phone. That whole "turn off your cell phones thing" is probably no danger whatsoever to the flight because if it was that easy to disrupt a flight, more planes would be crashing. I read somewhere that they have tested this and not found any interference from cell phones, but they just feel it's better safe than sorry. In this case an exception should have been made, or as ME says, they should have provided an alternative for him.

Anonymous said...

At a bar the other night where this guy lives I herd many nice tidbits. First this guy is a drunk. He has one DUI conviction and just got arested for drunk driving. A few months ago he crashed a scooter while drunk. The bar tender then said "Hey don't make fun of our regulars"