Friday, October 03, 2008

Déjà vu

nu·cle·ar . . . Pronunciation [noo-klee-er]

1. pertaining to or involving atomic weapons: nuclear war.
2. operated or powered by atomic energy: a nuclear submarine.
3. (of a nation or group of nations) having atomic weapons.
4. of, pertaining to, or forming a nucleus.
5. of, pertaining to, or like the nuclear family: nuclear bonds. –noun Informal.
6. nuclear energy: switching to nuclear as a power source.
If you can't say it, you shouldn't be a heartbeat away from being able to launch it ... that's my 2 cents ...


Mauigirl said...

I totally agree! I couldn't believe it that she, just like W, can't pronounce the simple word "nuclear." How hard is this???

Comrade Kevin said...


dguzman said...

Amen! (in a non-religious way)

And can the woman enunciate? I counted only TWO times when she didn't drop the "g" on her "-ing" words. Between that and all the "you betcha" and "doggone it" and "darn right," I almost hurled several times.