Friday, October 24, 2008

If you live in Florida Vote NO on 2

What the good guys are up against ...


Fran said...

I am so glad that you posted this- I am guilty of having focused so much on the No on 8 activity in Cali that I have not given this issues in Florida its due.

These are really important initiatives with the power to really discriminate. Highly unjust actions based on ridiculous religious foundations.

Now I am a religious person who finds freedom in the words of the God I worship, so same sex unions and union outside marriage are not the evil others purport them to be.

However, that is truly, truly irrelevant because RELIGIOUS reasons for these matters is completely and totally inappropriate in our country. Period. No exceptions. Ever.

Sorry, off soapbox but ever passionate in my beliefs.

Paul said...

Fran pointed me here. I have been so caught up in Prop Hate (being a native Californian) that I was not aware of this. Glad to learn of it and I will point folks your direction to spread the word.

BAC said...

Fran - thanks for sending Paul over!

Paul - welcome, and thanks for sharing this with your Florida friends!


Gary Baumgarten said...

We'll be talking about the Florida vote on News Talk Online on Wednesday October 29 at 5 PM New York time.

To join in the conversation please go to and click on the Join The Show button. There is no charge.
