Saturday, November 22, 2008

Vatican forgives John Lennon for Jesus quip

WHO CARES? I certainly don't.

John Lennon made a valid point when he compared the popularity of religion versus the popularity of The Beatles at the peak of their musical career. It seems a safe bet to say that The Beatles were more popular than religion with kids in England, and around the world.

"Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. ... I don't know what will go first, rock 'n' roll or Christianity. We're more popular than Jesus now. Jesus was all right but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me."
He later said:

"I suppose if I had said television was more popular than Jesus, I would have got away with it, but I just happened to be talking to a journalist friend (Maureen Cleave), and I used the words "Beatles" as a remote thing, not as what I think — as Beatles, as those other Beatles like other people see us. I just said "they" are having more influence on kids and things than anything else, including Jesus. But I said it in that way which is the wrong way."

Reporter: Some teenagers have repeated your statements — "I like The Beatles more than Jesus Christ." What do you think about that?

Lennon: "Well, originally I pointed out that fact in reference to England. That we meant more to kids than Jesus did, or religion at that time. I wasn't knocking it or putting it down. I was just saying it as a fact and it's true more for England than here. I'm not saying that we're better or greater, or comparing us with Jesus Christ as a person or God as a thing or whatever it is. I just said what I said and it was wrong. Or it was taken wrong. And now it's all this."
The comment caused a stir among some religious leaders in the United States. Albums were burned, and some parents refused to let their kids attend a Beatles concert. I was 13 at the time and it didn't seem like such a big deal to me.

It actually seems like a bigger deal that the Vatican has decided to make a statement about it today! Is it a moved designed to try and bring Baby Boomers back into the fold? Is the Vatican simply trying to get attention, and if so why? I'd be curious to know what my good friend Fran at Fran I Am thinks.

What do you think is the motivation behind this? Inquiring minds want to know.


dinthebeast said...

I think John had a valid point, and I also think the fact that he felt he had to apologise for the remark shows how fully saturated our culture is with Christianity. I think maybe the Vatican is scared because the conservatives lost the election and they feel their grip slipping a little. My personal feeling is that if we could trade the Vatican in and get John back, humanity would be getting a great deal- so perhaps I don't qualify as impartial on the issue.
-Doug in Oakland

Fran said...

I have tried to ignore this. Part of me wants to file it under who cares as well!

As opposed to what you think about bringing back baby boomers, as opposed to what dinthebeast said I see this differently.

I actually think, in its own clunky and bizarrely awkward way, the Vatican(which I make no excuses or apologies for!)actually does keep track of these things and does sincerely want to make amends.

Go ahead and laugh or mock me, but I do believe it that way. And anyone who knows me also knows that in general I am very cynical about the Vatican at large, despite my deep Catholic Christian faith and life.

The Vatican worries about many things but slipping is clearly never among them. If they were worried about that - well, that is too much for a comment.

Reconciliation is at the core of the teachings of Jesus. The RC Church condemned Lennon at that time and now reflects back in its own (recall I said clunky and awkward) way.

Why this got the press that it did is beyond me.

BAC said...

Fran - thanks for your input. I asked because I knew I would get an honest and sincere response.


Fran said...

You are welcome. I feel like I could not really express clearly what I wanted to say... that is that it is at once understandable and idiotic at once!

The Vatican, for all of its nonsense is fairly non-pandering. If it wanted to bring people in, it might use different approaches!!

dinthebeast said...

FranIam, I would never mock you for your views, and I do read your excellent blog sometimes. We do not agree about religion, but we almost certainly agree about many other things, so please don't take my comment as being hostile toward you. If I read more of your writing I may become more informed about Catholicism: although I grew up in a heavily Catholic town none of my friends went to church regularly so it wasn't a big enough part of their lives for me to pick up all that much about it. My beef with the Vatican comes from them opposing so many social issues I favor, and, well, history. And as I said, maybe I don't qualify as impartial on this issue.
-Doug in Oakland

Fran said...

Oh Doug- thank you for writing that. I did not take your words as hostile, I just disagreed with what you said, that is all.

As for agreeing on religion - who does?!

The Vatican opposes many of my own social issues and I have for now, continued to agitate from within.

If we don't all read, talk, learn, agree, disagree - well if we don't do that we all end up as George Bush like morons who are not curious and who don't care to ask questions.

And really - who is impartial on any topic?!

Thanks for reading my blog too!