Whew ... it took more than two months, but Senate Republicans finally recovered enough brain power to
confirm Hilda Solis as Labor Secretary.
The Senate voted 80 to 17 to confirm Solis, after Senate Republicans today assured Democrats that they would not filibuster the nomination. Solis had come under fire from Senate Republicans, who thought she was unresponsive to many of their questions during her confirmation hearing, a situation that was compounded by her work as treasurer for American Rights at Work, a pro-labor group.
There were also concerns among some Republicans about her support for a measure that would make it easier for workers to organize unions. [...]
While Solis's nomination generated skepticism among many Republicans and their backers in the business community, the new labor secretary enjoys solid support among members of organized labor. The daughter of immigrants from Mexico and Nicaragua, both of Solis's parents were union members. Also, as a member of Congress, Solis has shared union skepticism toward free trade agreements, and been a strong proponent of developing jobs in renewal energy and other "green collar" areas.
"America's working men and women will be fortunate to have someone of Hilda's tremendous talents leading the Department of Labor. She knows the huge challenges facing workers and their families, and she has the experience and dedication needed for this vital position," said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), chairman of the Senate's Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. " It's been a privilege to work with her in Congress, and I look forward very much to working with her as secretary."
Labor leaders applauded Solis's confirmation.
"The confirmation of Rep. Hilda Solis is a huge victory. Finally, Americans will have a Secretary of Labor who represents working people, not wealthy CEOs," said AFL-CIO President John Sweeney.
This whole post is a corporate press release. This woman favors the in sourcing and out sourcing of US jobs. She favors the legalization of illegal immigrants. She wants to import union busting nurses"to ease the shortage" the same way hospitals eased the shortage of doctors by filling US hospitals with foreign doctors. She opposes E-verify. Our unions have been bought by the bosses and now work for them on the issue of foreign workers and now we have a labor secretary who will also support the flood of foreign workers into this country.
You must be of the class who wants cheap labor to have written such a snow job.
It's about time. It's so nice to have a Labor secretary who actually cares about labor.
Greenconsciousness - I don't think we are talking about the same person.
It is hard to get beyond the hype. At her own confirmation hearings she talked about importing Mexican nurses.
"As an energetic progressive from Los Angelos, of course she has been supported by La Raza and other groups who really favor increased immigration or even open borders...
Rep. Solis voted with the majority of House Democrats to put undocumented workers on a path to citizenship, which would subsequently enable them to bring in parents, minor children, including teens about to hit the labor market, and the worker's brothers and sisters. (There was a motion to limit the relatives to parents and minor children, but Rep. Solis and Sen. Clinton are in favor of reunification- the right to bring in all relatives.)"
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Ms. Solis bill, H.R. 1645, also supported,
1) allowing employers to lay off American workers in order to hire H-2c foreign workers,
2) doubled the number of employment-based visas,
Ms. Solis also voted to support,
1) allowing illegal aliens to receive social security benefits,
2) opposed the Real ID Act, necessary to prevent illegal aliens from taking jobs from Americans using fake ID's
to gain employment,
3) opposed a measure funding the E-verify program,
4) supported, as a member of the California legislature, giving drivers license to illegal aliens.
Rep. Solis was a cosponsor in 2007 of H.R. 1645, The Strive Act. The Strive Act would have given amnesty to 20-30 million illegal aliens.
Had Ms. Solis got her way, her H-2c visa program would have allowed another 400,000 to 600,000 foreign workers to enter and take American jobs, and then apply for permanent U.S. status!
Check it out-- Unions have sold out workers and along with politicians work for big money. Many non-profits have corporate boards. The bosses have bought our democracy and there is a vast movement to bring in immigrant workers to take jobs with low wages and no benefits -- this degrades all the peoples wins since the 1940's. And the media is OWNED by the rich many of them middle east despots with Murdock as a front.
That is why you do not know the truth about our new labor sec.
Greenconsciousness - Your comments sound xenophobic. We clearly have a difference of opinion on this.
xenophobic is a word the male left uses to shut people up. My argument is what you should think about and respond to. You think you can support the workers rights movement AND support unlimited immigration? You think big business is not funding the immigration rights movement? You cant silence me with meaningless code words. Not since the boys called the Clintons "racists" in the last primary. I know that I have the right of economic self defense. I know there is a class war against working people and I know a class enemy when I see one or hear one.
I am asking you to think instead of reacting as you have been told you should. Look at her record. Do you agree with her votes? Then you stand for the loss of citizen worker's quality of life and the ability of the rich to get cheap labor they can exploit for their own enrichment.
There are ways to support the poor globally and we could use our massive foreign aid budget to do this if we limited immigration here. Instead of supporting unsustainable population growth in this country we could help workers in their own countries so immigration would not be necessary. Your left calls that colonialism and neo-conservatism. Don't you ever wonder what their end goal society will look like? Every piece of earth concrete and high rise?
Greenconsciousness - I have no intention of throwing this woman under the bus. My working class and feminist roots simply won't allow me to do this -- not when Hilda Solis has stood up for working women all her life.
You are welcome to continue posting comments, but the reality is we simply have a difference of opinion. I don't think I can change yours, and I know you can't change mine.
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