This is an elections conference, where NOW members will elect officers who will serve for the next four years. I've only been here a few hours and already I can tell it's going to be quiet a lively debate!
On another front, my sister had quadruple bypass surgery last week and I'm pleased to say she is doing quite well. She came through the surgery like a trooper, and her doctors are now in the process of getting some of the other health challenges she faces under control.
I'm so glad she made the decision to come live with me. I think it may have saved her life. I'll update everyone again when I get back to DC.
Thanks to everyone who kept her in your thoughts and prayers.
What Z said.
I LIVE in the state and don't get to go to the conference--that's just not fair. But I am being killed with school work every week so it's just too bad for me :~(
Keeping you sis in my thoughts...
I remember when your sister arrived. I am happy for you both. Blessed Summer Solstice 2009.
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