Thursday, May 11, 2006

Could US Survive a Jeb Bush Presidency?

Could the US survive another Bush presidency? Remember Papa Bush, and how disengaged he seemed during much of his presidency. Who could forget seeing George H.W. check his watch during his debate with Bill Clinton.

George W. Bush has been a complete disaster as president. Instead of paying attention to his job, he spent the first months of his presidency on vacation! And then came September 11, and the seven long minutes Bush sat in a Florida classroom trying to figure out how to get a full recount in Florida. He didn't want to be Commander in Chief -- suddenly the job got "hard." How often have we heard him say how "hard" it is being president.

How hard can it be when you basically turn over running the government to your VP, and have an open check book to make yourself, your family and your friends very wealthy at the expense of hard working taxpayers.

The GW legacy will be one of a failed war, failed national security as evidenced by the response to hurricane Katrina, and a failure to keep Congressional Republicans spending in check. Bush came into office with a budget surplus and will leave office with the largest national debt in our countries history.

Keep in mind that it took this nation more than 200 years to become one trillion dollars in debt. Under mostly Republican rule these past 25 years -- Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2 -- the nation is now nearly $9 trillion dollars in debt. It's staggering.

That said, I can't imagine anything more frightening than a Jeb Bush presidency.

The difference between George and Jeb is that Jeb is smarter -- but he's also meaner. If you've ever watched his mama respond after someone has said something bad about her husband or one of her sons you will know exactly where he gets it!

This country could absolutely NOT survive a Jeb Bush presidency.

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