Monday, May 08, 2006

Size Matters in Bush Fish Tale

Catch this take in The Carpetbagger Report on Bush's 'fish tale':

'I once caught a fish this big…'

When asked before the 2004 election about his biggest mistake, Bush couldn't think of anything. Asked over the weekend about his best moment in office, the president seemed to have trouble again.

During his more than five years in office, Bush has traveled the world's most impressive cities, met with world leaders and entertained celebrities.

But when the German newspaper Bild asked him to name his best and worst moments as president, Bush gave an offbeat answer about the best moment. […]

Bush admitted it was not easy to pick a best moment because "I've had a lot of great moments," according to a transcript of the Friday interview released Sunday.

"I would say the best moment was when I caught a 7 1/2-pound largemouth bass on my lake," Bush said, laughing.
Oddly enough, this was a softball question. It was a slow, hanging curve, giving Bush a chance to highlight anything he wanted — his joy at watching the Saddam statue fall, signing one of his tax-cut measures into law, one of his inaugural addresses, a productive meeting with Tony Blair or another head of state, something of substance. Instead, the moment that comes to mind is a 7 1/2-pound largemouth bass.

What's more, as the New York Daily News noted, that's not even a particularly big bass by Texas standards. "A largemouth bass has to be more than 15 pounds to crack the top 50 biggest catches, according to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department."

I realize Bush was probably going for the laugh, but according to the transcript, the president didn't follow it up with a real highlight of his five years in office; he just let the fish tale stand.

Then again, given this guy's record, the bass may actually be the highlight of the last five years.

Thanks for the laugh!!

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