Sunday, September 03, 2006

Man shoots his sons ... and then self

Here is yet another case where a man is angry -- for reasons unknown -- and he decides to kill his sons, and then himself. I have said this before and I will say it again -- if these men are THAT angry, why don't they just kill themselves and leave their children alone!

Or better yet, why not seek help with anger management? What a concept!

The Associated Press reports that:
Douglas W. Pennington, 49, shot sons Logan, 26, and Benjamin, 24, multiple times, then shot himself once in the chest with a .38 caliber revolver on the Shepherd University campus, state police said. Both sons were identified as Shepherd students.

Police said the elder Pennington traveled to the campus to visit his sons, but offered no reason for the shootings.
How frightened these two young men must have been when their father pulled a gun on them. And no parent in their right mind kills their children!

Each of these incidents is a reminder that access to mental health care is critical, yet few insurance policies -- if the person even has insurance -- will cover it.

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