Thursday, October 05, 2006

Democrats: Take Back Congress or Find a New Career

Quick, someone give Republicans a bigger shovel! The hole they are digging for themselves is pretty deep, but then I said months ago the 2006 election was the Democrats' to lose.

The troubles keep mounting for Republicans.

Bob Woodward took the air out of George Bush's tires, and now the administration's plan to use Iraq and fear about terrorists attacks is going nowhere fast.

A new authorized biography on Colin Powell says the popular Republican was fired by the Bush Administration. More reason not to trust Bush & Company with the job of running the country.

Rep. Mark Foley is revealed to be a sexual predator, but the bigger news is the House Leadership knew about it years ago and left him in place to continue to prey on young boys.

Rep. Don Sherwood, a Republican fighting for re-election in northeastern Pennsylvania, says in a TV ad that he is "truly sorry" for cheating on his wife but denies ever abusing the woman he had the affair with.

Always ready to jump in and help, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has the perfect defense: Gingrich said Wednesday that Democratic sex scandals have been far worse.

That Newt, he's never at a loss for words!

Democrats needed to take 15 seats to regain control of the House. Foley's seat is now a given, as is apparently Arizona's 8th district, where Republican Rep. Jim Kolbe is retiring. According to conservative columnists George Will: "It seems the Republicans used the primary to vent, nominating a probably unelectable fire-breather on the immigration issue."

I don't often agree with George Will, but I do have to agree with the closing line of his column where he writes:
"If, after the Foley episode -- a maraschino cherry atop the Democrats' delectable sundae of Republican miseries -- the Democrats cannot gain 13 seats, they should go into another line of work."
Enough said.

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