Monday, October 02, 2006

Domestic Terrorism -- Girls Not Safe at School

For the second time in less than a week a suicidal man has decided to take not only his own life, but the lives of innocent little girls. When will the shooting stop? How many more little girls have to die before it's acknowledged that this society needs to figure out how to deal with male violence.

At this point I don't care why this man was upset. Early reports indicate he was taking "revenge" over something that happened two decades ago. Clearly whatever it was NONE OF THESE LITTLE GIRLS HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT!!

If these men are so upset that they are willing to enter into a situation that they know will bring an end to their lives, why don't they save others a lot of heartache and simply kill themselves.

It's clear this country does not allocate enough resources to mental illness. If people even have health insurance, most policies barely cover mental health care.

At some point society needs to address this, and the sense of entitlement that leads men, and boys, to carry out such violence. A few years ago there was a series of school shootings that involved young boys targeting girls and women because they have felt shunned by a little girl whose attention they were seeking.

How often do we hear about men taking the lives of their girl friends or wives, using as justification that if they 'can't have them no one else will either'. Crimes of passion are not about passion at all ... they are about men who have an inflated sense of entitlement.

It's got to stop.

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