Sunday, November 26, 2006
Coast to Coast Racism
The Rev. Al Sharpton said it best when he asked: "How does one justify 50 shots at unarmed men?"
Sean Bell and his friends were celebrating Bell's pending marriage. He was hours away from marrying his high school sweetheart and the mother of his two children. What we know at the moment is that as the men left a strip club they were followed by undercover police officers, in plain clothes, who were investigating possible illegal activity at the Kalua Cabaret.
According to Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly the groom was involved in a verbal dispute outside the club, and one of his friends made a reference to a gun.
Why did the police follow the men out of the club? What was said that would have led to the verbal dispute? And why, when there was no evidence of weapons, were 50 rounds fired at the car?
And, when it was known there were no weapons, why were the two wounded survivors of the shooting handcuffed to their hospital beds?
I couldn't help but think of the incident earlier in the week involving comedian Michael Richards, and his response to two African American men he perceived to be heckling him. Richards lashed out at the men with a string of racial obscenities and profanity.
Richards has said the tirade was fueled by anger, not bigotry -- but was it?
Whether the shots fired at Black men are words or bullets, it's well past time to us to examine why this is still happening, and to demand change.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Remembering JFK
I doubt that my mother was thrilled at my choice of candidates, but wanting to encourage my interest in politics she walked down the street to where the woman who led the local Democratic efforts lived. Her name was Gertrude Davis, but everyone called her Gertie. Gertie was thrilled to get a Democratic campaign button into a Republican house!
I'm so grateful that my mother encouraged me to become politically active. I think she would be pleased to know that I'm a full time activist today.
May 29, 1917 - November 22, 1963
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Cathy Lanier Shatters Brass Ceiling in DC
The Washington Post reports:
Lanier is aware she could face some uphill battles as a white woman in a majority-black city.Fenty picked Lanier for her inclusive management style and tireless work ethic -- she sometimes stays in the office until 1:30 a.m. Her style is to listen, build consensus and create specialized teams around her. Lanier's priorities include making police more visible on the street, improving the efficiency of the department and lifting morale by empowering officers and supervisors.
"There is nothing more satisfying than seeing results," said Lanier, who added that she is "addicted" to her job.
"If people get to know you, I think it's not a big deal," she said of her race. "If I treat everybody the way a chief should treat them, there won't be a problem."According to Police Chief Magazine: Women in policing now make up approximately 13-14 percent of all employees, and the women who pioneered this entry into a male-dominated profession faced many obstacles, but also experienced many rewards. Women have brought about changes in policing.
Policewomen are much less likely to use excessive violence or police brutality while satisfactorily performing their jobs.
Lanier joins an elite group. Five of the 50 largest departments --Detroit, Boston, San Francisco, Milwaukee and Portland --are headed by women. All five women became chief since 2003. Lanier brings that number to six.
For more information on women and policing visit National Center for Women and Policing.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Don't Ask, Do Tell
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network is a national non-profit legal services, watchdog, and policy organization dedicated to ending harassment and discrimination against military personnel affected by
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and related forms of intolerance. SLDN recently released the following statement: “We now know that every co-sponsor of legislation to repeal ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ who sought re-election appears to have been successful . . . And we also know this: Support for lifting the ban did not cause voters to reject any candidate. According to Gallup, nearly 4 out of 5 Americans support gays serving openly in the military. America is ready for change.With Bush in the White House it seems obvious that the military needs every person willing to serve. In the November 27 issue, Newsweek reports:
Maybe someone should re-examine the Pentagon for its ability to comprehend basic information -- like American Psychiatric Association classifications?". . . gay vets hope they might make some progress at a time when the military can't afford to turn away the willing and able. Last year the Pentagon discharged 742 service members for homosexuality. . ."
But making a change won't be easy: gay-rights advocates have seen a troubling signal from the Pentagon. Massachusetts Rep. Martin Meehan and the American Psychiatric Association complained last June when they learned the military's disability policy classified homosexuality as a mental disorder—something the APA stopped doing in 1973. Then the Pentagon quietly reclassified it in July. Last week Meehan and the APA complained once more: homosexuality has now been grouped with other "conditions, circumstances and defects" like bed-wetting, repeated venereal-disease infections and obesity. The reclassification is "even worse," says Aaron Belkin, who studies gays in the military at the University of California, Santa Barbara. "Now [homosexuality] is explicitly deemed to be a defect." Pentagon spokeswoman Cynthia Smith says the Defense Department does "not think homosexuality is a mental illness" and says the classification could be re-examined.
It's time for the Pentagon to lift the ban on gays in the military.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Sexism and the City
Check out the caption the Associated Press put on this photo. And tell me that they would dare mention the brand and color of suit Harry Reid was wearing. This is sexist and belittling to the incoming Speaker simply because she is a woman.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention John.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
What "Liberal Media" ...
To claim there is a "liberal" media is simply false.
For evidence of this claim, note the following two Time magazine covers:
post-election 1994
post-election 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
In Memorial - Ed Bradley
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Looks like Dems are going to take the House AND Senate
In other good news -- the draconian ban on abortion is going down in defeat in South Dakota, and the Show Me State of Missouri has said yes to stem cell research.
And finally, some of my good NOW friends are winners in state and county elections. Congratulations to Sue, in my home state of Indiana, and to Duchy, in my new home state of Maryland!
Pelosi Shatters House Leadership Marble Ceiling
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Blue Moon in Maryland
This is great news for women in Maryland. Ehrlich is about as anti-woman as they get. The Women's Leadership Network of the MD Dems released released the following "Top Ten" list of reasons why Ehrlich needed to go:
10. He vetoed the Pay Equity Study Commission Bill.
9. He admitted that he might not have chosen Kristen Cox as his running mate if she were not blind.
8. He vetoed the Women's Commission Bill and single-handedly wiped out any legislative component within the state Women's Commission, relegating its members to ceremonial tasks.
7. He shows weak support for women who are victims of violent acts and has cut funding for victims, specifically domestic violence victims.
6. He advanced an anti-choice agenda in Annapolis through the Maryland Republican Party and ultra-right wing party operatives and did not support emergency contraception legislation.
5. He displayed an arrogant indifference to environmental concerns, attempting to sell off open spaces.
4. He vetoed the Fair Share Health Care Bill, despite that more Maryland women are uninsured now than ever before.
3. He has not demonstrated a commitment to education.
2. He vetoed the Living Wage and Minimum Wage Bills, despite that more women are living in poverty now than ever before.
1. MARTIN O'MALLEY has a LONG RECORD of supporting women on EVERY issue: he has appointed many women to important decision-making positions and has been endorsed by every major Maryland’s women's organization, including NOW, NARAL Pro-Choice Maryland, and Planned Parenthood.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Election day is tomorrow
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Four days until the election
Evangelical Leader Busted for Sex and Drugs
After denying that he had ever met a gay escort who claimed to have had a three-year sexual relationship with him, the Rev. Ted Haggard admitted yesterday that he had summoned the escort to give him a massage in a Denver hotel room and bought methamphetamine from him.Haggard has been championing the fight against same-sex marriage in Colorado and other states. The hypocrisy of his actions goes without saying.
Evangelicals need to clean up their own house before they try to impose their so-called "morality" on the rest of us.