1. Funny that Mathman should mention the Beatles, because I was a huge fan. When they played at the Indiana State Fair grounds I attended the concert.
2. I was also quite the tomboy when growing up, and was the first girl to play on a Little League baseball team in my home town of Middletown.
3. In college I was a news reporter for the campus radio station.
4. While student teaching in Indianapolis, Jane Pauley came to our school. She tripped while walking through a doorway, and I caught her and prevented her from falling. She thanked me and I said it was my way 'to support women' ... she laughed.
5. When I lived in Flordia I was the promotion manager for a Top 40 radio station. One morning as a joke, the morning DJ's decided to call me at home and ask what promotions were coming up that weekend. Even though it was 6 am when the phone rang, I answered their question. Another co-worker said it reminded her of Radar on MASH.
6. As most of you know, I'm a passionate liberal activist. The influence for my becoming a liberal was the strong liberal views of my parents.
7. For a short period of time I was a used car salesperson, which probably accounts for why I like to kick tires.
So, which items above are true, and which are false?
I think this might have been around awhile, so consider yourself tagged if you would like to participate. Oh, and whoever I 'borrowed' the photo from, thanks!
I say #2 is true. And also I do know you were a used car salesperson because you unloaded that '86 Yugo on me in 98.
It was your charm and the low low price of the car. An unbeatable combination.
You Yugo-sellin' tire-kickin' temptress you!
I am thinking that #4 is true. I know that Jane Pauley did go to IU I am sure you bumped into her.
Fran - I can't believe you bought that car! But sadly, your answers are incorrect.
Mathman - Ding, ding, ding ... you are correct!
There may be other items that are also true ... any guesses?
I think 1 through 5 can be true, but I''m guessing 6 and 7 definitely are not.
I'm recusing myself from guessing, as we talked about some of these when you were out here.
But I bet your radio career coulda gone places.
Tengrain -- considering we were separated at birth, it's probably best that you don't participate. You would definitely have the advantage.
Pissed -- Three of the first five are true ... can you guess which ones? You are correct that 6 and 7 are not true. My parents were registered Republicans, and I was in sales for a while, but not car sales.
I think 1, 2, and 4 are the 3 truths and my puzzle sleuthing tendencies make me want to go back over to DCap's voting record post and see if you are actually old enough to have gone to that fair in '64. And then there is Tengrains comment. hmmm?
My birthfather was a dj and I got toted to a Rolling Stones concert as a wee lass, so I'll stick, but the real reason is I'm kinda lazy.
Nice spin on the deal.
Freida Bee -- Honk ... sorry, but most of your answers are wrong.
I want to thank everyone for playing "Truth & Lies" ... here are the correct answers:
1. False. I was 11 years old (maybe 12, can't remember), and my parents wouldn't take me. They didn't like crowds.
2. False. While I was better than most of the boys, I came of age before Title IX, so there were no girls teams. And girls were not allowed to play on the boys team.
3. True. It was quite fun.
4. True. And it was also quite fun.
5. True. The guys thought it was fun to wake me up in the morning. ha
6. False. As mentioned above, my parents were registered Republicans. My mother even worked for the local Republican party.
7. False. I did sell insurance for a short period of time -- which is yet another reason why I hate insurance companies.
Again, thank you all for playing!
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