There are two things that must be noted. Yet again that Democratic turnout was up dramatically, which can only bode well for the Dems come November. AND in the first two contests Democrats have picked an African American man and a woman. Yes, this is a year of change!
There is still a long way to the nomination, but tonight congratulations go to Sen. Hillary Clinton.
UPDATE: From Shakesville: "Hils Wins NH" - I love this caption.
I think it's all good. I happen to love Obama's spirit and eloquence but I'm happy Hillary did well tonight. It's too soon to write any of these candidates off. In Obama's speech he said that all of the candidates believe in their country and are patriots. Basically they all want the same things - they just have different ways of expressing it.
Hi BAC- Thanks for stopping by my blog...and thanks to FranIAM for recommending that you come around!
I didn't answer you on my blog, but decided to come here instead. Man, you hit the nail on the head when you talked about what a hard climb it is for women. When I saw the video on tv with they guys yelling "Iron my shirt" it made me ill. What if someone stood up at an Obama rally and yelled "shine my shoes!" That is equally as ugly, but for some reason, what the guys did to Hillary shows how often putting down women, or "putting them in their place" is laughed off. I thought Hillary handled the situation beautifully, btw , and I was so proud of her audience for booing the guys as they were hauled off.
I have been supporting Edwards but I can't tell you how disappointed I have been in his attacks on Hillary. After the incident where she showed some emotion, his remarks about needed someone strong in the White House made me see red. If there is one thing that Hillary is, it's strong.
Unfortunately, my lack of support for Obama has caused others on another blog to accuse me of being a David Duke supporter and much to my disappointment, I have seen my name on three blogs now where in the comments, my name came up as a racist. Since all of this has come about, I don't even feel comfortable putting up a post on my blog stating any of my political views. I tried to this morning, but I deleted it because I'm just so disgusted by all of this.
The reasons I don't support Obama are the same as yours and because I have looked closely at his voting record in Illinois and in Washington. I live in Illinois, so I've been following his career in politics from the beginning. I may not like some of his issues, but it has nothing to do with the color of his skin.
I doubt if Edwards is going anywhere in this election and have to wonder if he's going to try and stick it out to ride the coattails of Obama and hope for VP. If it comes down to Hillary and Obama, I will most likely vote Hillary. Like you, I think she's got the most experience, not just as First Lady, but looking back at her work for education for disabled children and other causes concerning children. That's a subject that touches my heart very deeply. Like she said, experience should not be a dirty word!
Thanks again for stopping by and I'll put your blog on my blogroll, if that's ok. I'll come around again.
Take care!
Thanks Mary Ellen, and I will blogroll you, too!
I understand the hesitance of stepping forward in this election, but I felt I had to. I've been an unabashed female chauvinist my entire life, so why stop now!
As I have mentioned before, I don't think any of the candidates are perfect. Edwards lost me with the same-sex marriage response, and I'm not sure he can recover from this, but it's his decision about whether or not to stay or go.
I know many are upset with Hillary over the Iraq vote, but again I don't think that was a "vote for war." I'm less up set over that vote, and more upset over the Iran vote.
And Bill Clinton is correct in saying there isn't much difference between Hillary or Obama in their Senate voting records. He is tied to the lobbyist community as well ... and in my opinion they BOTH represent change.
I think it's very exciting to see the top four Democrats be a woman, two men of color and one white guy. How exciting is THAT!!
Thanks again for stopping by.
My blog supports Hillary!
My prediction is she'll go the distance and will give any Republican contender a run for his money.
Way to go Hillary!
Anna - I hope so! Thanks for stopping by!
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