Thursday, February 28, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

I am so busy that I simply do not have the time to respond to every comment. Just wanted to make this general comment:

Dean Wormer -- Thank you! I've been an organizer for most of my life, working to advance progressive issues, and I don't plan to stop. And since I live near and work in the vortex of evil, Washington, DC, there is no doubt I will have my shovel ready!

Comrade Kevin and John J -- I absolutely could not disagree with you more ... but hey, knock yourselves out trying to get me to change my mind! ha

And to SueJ -- I'm so glad you found Yikes! It's nice to have a "sister" around!

I'll be posting later about what I'm working on that is keeping me so busy these days. And hopefully, on this, we can all agree!


Dean Wormer said...

Awesome! Good to hear. :)

Mauigirl said...

BAC, I agree with what Dean wrote - although I have cast my lot in with Obama, I have said all along that whichever candidate wins I can support him or her wholeheartedly. I know either Obama or Clinton would be an excellent president and I hope that they both get roles in this administration, no matter what. Having McCain win is just not an option - there is too much at stake here. The Democrats must unite behind whoever gets the nomination.