Thursday, March 06, 2008

Oops ...

Sen. Obama's foreign policy advisor Susan Rice says Obama isn't ready to answer a 3:00 AM crisis phone call.

Now keep in mind she says Sen. Clinton isn't either, but the following distinguished members of our armed forces have a different opinion.

"I support her because I trust her. ... I trust her judgment. ... .. She knows our reality. ... She'll give us missions that make sense." - Lt. Gen. Claudia J. Kennedy

"She has done her homework on national security. .. ... She has the big picture. ... .. She is the most qualified in the race to be Commander-in-Chief." - General Wesley Clark (retired)

"I think Hillary Clinton is the best person and the best prepared to be Commander-in-Chief." - Admiral William Owens

... They are among the nearly 30 general and flag officers who have endorsed Hillary Clinton to be the Nation’s next President. Senator Clinton has received five endorsements in recent days, including those of General Henry Hugh Shelton, the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral William Owens, the former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and Army Major General Antonio M. Taguba. Overall she has the endorsement of two former chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, five admirals and generals at the four-star rank. They are in addition to over 2,000 veterans and military retirees who are members of Senator Clinton’s national and state veterans’ steering committees.
The following are military officers who spoke in support of Sen. Clinton during a recent press call:
General Wesley Clark
Admiral William Owens
General Johnnie E. Wilson
Lt. Gen. Joe Ballard
Lt. Gen. Claudia J. Kennedy
Vice Admiral Joseph A. Sestak
Lt. Gen. Frederick E. Vollrath
Major General George A. Buskirk, Jr.
Major General Paul D. Eaton
Rear Admiral Stuart Platt
Rear Admiral David Stone
Major General Antonio M. Taguba
Brigadier General Michael Dunn
Brigadier General Evelyn "Pat" Foote
Brigadier General John M. Watkins, Jr.
Brigadier General Jack Yeager
Former Secretary of the Army and Veterans Affairs Togo West
Former Secretary of the Navy, John Dalton
As I said ... oops!


dguzman said...

Wow, I didn't know this. Of course, my distrust of the military makes me a little wary of these endorsements--but I do like the fact that they believe in her.

John J. said...

My deciding question on the three AM calls is this, who is better able to keep them to a minimum? Someone who saw through the lies of Bush on Iraq, someone who saw what was happening in the sub-prime mortgage market and proposed legislation to reduce its effect two years ago, and someone who saw what the problem with the Iranian National Guard vote and immediately proposed legislation to prevent its negative side effects.

It doesn't surprise me that President Clinton's generals and admirals support his wife. It also doesn't surprise me that generals and admirals support the candidate fighting for most hawkish in the voting record. Don't get me wrong; it is good and important that she has their support, but it means as much to me as Dick Durbin supporting Obama.

BAC said...

John - At least she will know who is on the other end of the phone ... and won't need to staff it out.


John J. said...

Most of the world leaders she knew from her time in the White House are no longer in power - not a single one of our major allies, nor China, Russia, Iran, Iraq, or Cuba either.

I would rather it not be someone who called the person on the other end of the line "Medi, Meda, whatever" (I don't expect Obama would have had better luck pronouncing his name, the BBC ran a 5+ minute segment on trying to pronounce it - it's the "whatever" that got me).

BAC said...

Rest assured John ... she will know.

Obama was likely sitting there relieved that HE wasn't asked the question.

The fact remains that his own foreign policy advisor says he's not ready.