Monday, November 26, 2007

Busy day trying to save the world ...

But a few things did catch my eye that I wanted to comment on. First, another Republican bites the dust. Sen. Trent Lott announced today that he is leaving the Senate at either the end of December, or in January. That's right, BEFORE his term ends.

Wonder what THAT is all about? Is something big about to break and he wants to avoid the fall out? Or is he simply trying to cash in on his last chance to earn the big bucks before the White House changes hands? This could be fun to watch!

And just when Trent thought he was going to be the top story of the day, Dick knocks him off the top page with an irregular heartbeat. Who knew Cheney had a heart? That Dick will do anything for attention!

And speaking of being a Dick ... Wasn't it fun that the Prez had to be nice to Al Gore today!

Talk about an inconvenient truth. Al Gore finally won his place in the Oval Office on Monday -- right next to George W. Bush. Forever linked by the closest and craziest presidential race in history, the two men were reunited by, of all things, White House tradition.

Gore was among the 2007 Nobel Prize winners who were invited in for a photo and some chatter with the president; Gore got the recognition for his work on global warming.

Oh, man I would have liked to be a fly on the wall when Duyba realized he would be hosting Gore! And for winning the Nobel Prize for global warming! Yikes!

The two men stood next to other, sharing uncomfortable grins for photographers and reporters, who were quickly ushered in and out.

"Familiar faces," the former vice president said of the media. Bush, still smiling, added nothing.
Which, as coincidence would have it, has also been his contribution as president.


Anonymous said...

George's chimpy grin looks a little chimpier than normal there.

I guess I'm not surprised.

Anonymous said...

Bush, still smiling, added nothing.
Just about sums up the last seven years. Except for all the killing, of course.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

One thing is for sure, Bush will never be back there to do a photo op for winning the Nobel prize.

Anonymous said...

Shifty eyes. Looks afraid. Quick! Someone check, does All have a knife in his hand?

No, it's just a fistful of paper ballots with hanging chads and the dreams of a peaceful, progressive American.

Anonymous said...

An e-mailer on Andrew Sullivan's site said that Lott resigned to avoid a major scandal. Someone was about to release a video that showed him being polite to a black person.

BAC said...

Betmo - thanks!

Omnipotent Poobah - It sure does, there was actually another photo I almost used, where he's looking a little sick. ha

Pissed - I agree!

Dr. Monkey - You can bet the ranch on that one!

DCup - I'm still a bit miffed at Al for not demanding a full recount in Florida. I don't know what he and his folks were afraid of ... he'd be president now if they had just done it!

Infidel - When they exit this quickly I'm always suspect that something is up. The Carpetbagger Report does, however, make a reasonable argument that it's all about money. If Lott resigns before the end of the year he doesn't have to wait two years to become a lobbyist.

Follow the money, baby, follow the money!!