Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mac is back, thanks to Florida

Sen. John McCain has eked out a slim victory, but a victory nonetheless, over Mitt Romney. And in a winner-takes-all delegate race you only need one more vote than the other guy.

Romney certainly has enough personal wealth to keep going, and now McCain can raise needed funds to compete as well. And it looks like Rudy will throw his support to McCain tomorrow.

It will be interesting to see if McCain can win over some of the pundits, like Rush Limbaugh, who has probably passed out by now. But keep in mind that Limbaugh didn't like Bush 1 when he first took office, but once Bush invited him to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom Limbaugh was "suddenly" a huge Bush supporter. What a sleaze bag.

On the Dem side pundits were calling it a beauty contest, but I can tell you that some of my feminist friends worked their butts off to secure votes for Sen. Clinton. And it appears their work paid off.

I found it interesting that MSNBC wasn't reporting on the Dem contest. I had to switch to CNN to find out the results. Is it a coincidence that Tweety was back on, but a win for Hillary was off? Yeah, I know the DNC has said the delegates won't be seated, but we still should be able to see the results. Bad MSNBC ... bad.

Republicans mobilized 1.6 million voters tonight, but the Democrats turned out 1.3 for a contest they were told "wouldn't count." I think that's huge! When you consider that none of the candidates campaigned in the state, and no money was spent on television or other advertising, there was still a huge turnout!

The delegates might not be seated at the convention, but tonight was a successful night for Florida Democrats.

So now it's on to Super-Duper Tuesday. But before we get there, I have one question. Who in the heck decided it should be called "Super-DUPER" ... geezzzzzz.


Anonymous said...

To answer your question BAC, not me. But all the same, now that Spartacus is officially a registered Democrat, he will be making some noise in New York come February 5.

Randal Graves said...

Should call it Super-Diaper Tuesday with all the talking hairpiece whining that'll inevitably follow.

dguzman said...

It'll be really interesting to see what happens on Super-Diaper Tuesday (thanks, Randal!).

That's a nice pic of Hillary--I'm glad she did well, and congrats to your friends who worked hard. I just wish Edwards were doing better.

Anonymous said...

Rudy will most likely emerge as McCain's running mate. McCain will serve one term and Rudy will get another shot at the presidency in 2012.

Anonymous said...

from The Wall Street Journal

Jan. 30, 2008

John Edwards is ending his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Dean Wormer said...

I thought we decided that actual Vietnam vets weren't qualified to sit in the White House in the last election.

Anonymous said...

McCain will have the full support of the conservative pundits if he is nominated, which now appears likely.

You can be sure the conservative pundits will support McCain and trash Hillary.