Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Open Question for Paparazzi - When did you stop beating your wife?

This is not what I intended to write about tonight, but for Christ sake when is enough, enough? How many pictures do we need of Britney Spears? Do I really need to know that she went into a restroom at a convenience store? NO.

The television is on, as usual, while I'm surfing the internet. And out of the corner of my eye I see a pack of men surrounding an obviously distraught Britney Spears. She's sitting on a curb, holding a dog, crying. And the asshole commentator is wondering what she is crying about. Gee, could it be the fact that she can't pass wind without a crush of men around her to smell it?
On Monday night, police were again called to Spears’ home after reports that a swarm of paparazzi was trespassing in the singer’s gated community.

People magazine reported the singer was “in the midst of yet another public breakdown” after an apparent argument with Mr Lufti, with whom she was driving.

She jumped out of the car near her home and was seen wandering around crying and clutching her puppy, eyewitnesses told the magazine. Britney’s parents arrived at her home some time later, around 9pm, according to reports.
It is impossible for Britney to have a "private" breakdown.

I absolutely can't imagine how she has managed to stay alive this long, given the obvious mental pressure of 24/7 media stalking. Try to imagine for a moment that absolutely EVERYTHING you do will be scrutinized -- how do you think that would make you feel?

And how complicit are we all in the stalking of this woman?

I have an idea. Let's turn off Access Hollywood, Entertainment Tonight, and all the other programs that feed the paparazzi frenzy. Stop buying People magazine, Us and all the other publications that pay paparazzi to abuse women (mostly) and men.

These are the same programs and magazines that tell young girls if they are anything but a size "0" they are fat slobs. Let's stop feeding this vicious animal, and maybe it will go away.


Anonymous said...

They will continue this until they force her to kill herself. Then they will mock the funeral. I'm no Britney fan, but jesus H. christ, enough. I don't have a tv and I know too much about her life.

Freida Bee said...

Oh please do not be too prophetic here, ya'll. This is sad. I don't know how she can cope with it all and frankly think the whole lot belongs in the garbage- the media hounds, not Britney. For gawd sake, let her go fuck up her life in privacy like the rest of us. already!

BAC said...

Pissed - that is a concern I have, too.

Freida - I couldn't agree more. Who doesn't make mistakes? Geezz ... I certainly wouldn't want my life on public display.

I just had to say something.


Anonymous said...

BAC! It's sport for these shutter-bugged a-holes. Of course, they'll say "I'm a working professional" or "that's the price a celebrity pays to be in spotlight." Nonsense. It's sport. They compete fiercely for "the shot" and will run over their own grandmothers to get it.

BAC said...

Spartacus - sad, but true.


dguzman said...

It's like the paparazzi hounding Princess Diana's car until it finally crashed and she was killed. You'd think someone would've learned a lesson from that, but obviously not.

I'm glad I don't have TV so I don't have to support that industry.

s. douglas said...

I'm not defending them, but I have heard, on several occasions, she invites them to follow her, and will even tell them where she's going.

Even if that's not the case, I don't blame the Paparazzi so much. If Americans didn't buy this shit, and watch it all day long, they'd have no reason to follow her.

Americans love death, as long as it's from a safe distance.

BAC said...

Fairlane - It is a problem that people buy this shit, but that is still no excuse for the stalkarazzi to hound every single move this woman makes. Even going so far as to yell at her when she's in the restroom, for Christ sake. They are way out of bounds with their behavior, and I think it's to a point where they are actually putting her life at risk.