Friday, April 25, 2008

Scalia on Bush v. Gore 2000: "Get Over It"

(sorry about the advertising ... geezz)

Scalia repeated his earlier statement that people should “get over” the court’s ruling in 2000 that halted Florida’s vote recount, giving the presidential election to Republican Bush over Democrat Al Gore.

“I say nonsense,” Scalia said, when asked about critics who say the 5-4 ruling was based on politics and not justice. “Get over it. It’s so old by now.” (more)
I agree with Petulant at Shakesville who said: "We'll Get Over It When Conservatives "get over" Roe v. Wade."


Nan said...

That SOB should be impeached for not recusing himself from that case. Ditto Clarence Thomas. Both of them have family members who gained financially from Bush being handed the presidency.

Comrade Kevin said...

We have been so busy tearing each other down in this never-ending primary cycle that we have forgotten or been distracted at who who our real enemy is.

We are in good company when we take on W and his neocon thugs.