Don't agonize, organize ... that's my mantra. Change won't happen unless you work to make it happen! But sometimes even your best efforts don't provide the results you were looking for. Or sometimes a situation is just so completely outrageous that all you can do is say ... YIKES!
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Not An April Fools Joke
My sister called a little while ago from the airport and will be here in a couple of hours. It's the beginning of a new adventure for the two of us.
The oxygen arrived yesterday, and there is new a self-cleaning litter box awaiting her cat Sam. Bart and Bella know something is up, but haven't quite figured it out. This is going to be a new adventure for them, too!
I missed the whole thing -- for so long you did not write and now huge changes. Blending families. I am so glad that you are a bridge over troubled waters. We need pictures of Sam Bella and Bart and their interactions.
Sending good thoughts!!!!
Bella has spent most of the evening trying to get Sam to come out from under the bed. She's on a mission!!
"A La Famiglia!"
bon voyage!
Love, rosie
I missed the whole thing -- for so long you did not write and now huge changes. Blending families. I am so glad that you are a bridge over troubled waters. We need pictures of Sam Bella and Bart and their interactions.
Phyllis Chesler is on blog talk radion tomorrow night -- come to my blog and get the link in my last post-- listen with your sister on line.
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