While the decision is a set-back for LGBT residents in California, there is cause for hope among marriage equality supporters nationwide. Iowa, New Hampshire and Maine have granted marriage equality, and the District of Columbia recently voted to recognize same sex marriages.
The outrage we feel over this decision must be balanced by our resolve to do all that we can to secure justice and equality for lesbian and gay couples. You all know my mantra -- Don't Agonize, Organize!
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I've said this many times. It's going to take my generation to get into positions of power to establish marriage equality for all.
This doesn't mean people shouldn't fight for it, but I really think we're going to have twenty years of back and forth. One ruling in favor, one voter referendum against, and so on and so on.
If same-sex marriage were the law of the land before the next twenty years have passed, I would be very surprised.
Flowers - thanks for your comment.
Kevin - I honestly don't think it's going to take 20 years. Things have moved very quickly in just the past five years!
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